ఆదివారం, సెప్టెంబర్ 11, 2011

Information useful to journalists

The following are some links to sites and publications which provide information journalists may find especially useful in their work. These are some the editors of The News Manual know something about, though we do not specifically endorse any. Where text appears in quotes it is usually taken from their website itself. We show the actual URL so you know exactly where the link will take you.


ABC News & Current Affairs Style Guide: A basic style guide used by journalists at the Australian Broadcasting Corporation. Not generally available to the public but posted on the Senate Estimates website as evidence at a hearing in February 2008.

Associated Press Stylebook: "The 2008 edition of the AP Stylebook and Briefing on Media Law is available in both print and electronic forms. The spiral-bound style manual is an essential handbook for all writers, editors, students and public relations specialists. The Web-based edition is a fully searchable version of the AP Stylebook." Note: Uses American English.

BBC News Style Guide: "This styleguide represents some of John Allen’s extraordinary wisdom surrounding the use of English in written and spoken communications. This is in many ways at the heart of what the BBC does and what it is respected for. This is not a “do and don’t” list but a guide that invites you to explore some of the complexities of modern English usage and to make your own decisions about what does and does not work." By the BBC, London.

Civil Liberties Australia: "We monitor police and security forces, and the actions and inaction of politicians. We review proposed legislation, to make it better, and keep watch on government departments and agencies. We work to keep Australia the free and open society it has traditionally been." Based in the Australian Capital Territory.

Global Media Journal - Australian edition (GMJ/AU): "A forum for research and scholarship with an interest in specifically Australian articulations of the local/global nexus. We also see GMJ/AU as a space for the discussion of Australian media issues relating to a wide range of topics from media policy formation and media practices to Australian-based media events." Published from the University of Western Sydney.

JournalismNet: "A working journalist's guide to the Net - 300 different web pages with over 6,000 links designed to help journalists (and anyone else) find useful information fast. Created and maintained by Julian Sher, an investigative TV producer and Internet trainer."

Journoz.com: "Find experts and contacts, and Net-based sources of Australian facts or background information, such as business information, cases, databases, directories, government information, legislation, reports, statistics, and trade figures."

News Knockout: A news aggregator website with "News with punch from all over the world. Good, regular, bad; politically correct, politically incorrect news, news, news and nothing but."

Press Gazette: A weekly magazine for journalists - with an online digital edition. Aimed especially at those working in the UK, the Press Gazette covers issues of interest to journalists throughout the world. It is also Britain's main shop window for journalism jobs. Based in London.

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)Bureau of Public Information: "The PBI brings together essential public information and dissemination services including relations with the press and audiovisual media, publications for sale, video production and co-production, the editorial coordination of UNESCO websites and the staging of public events." Based in Paris.

Silobreaker: "An online search service for news and current events .... Silobreaker pulls content on global issues, science, technology and business from approximately 10,000 news, blog, research and multimedia sources." Although it contains a vast amount of linked information, it is a useful quick source for getting an overview on issues from the world's media. Based in Stockholm and London.

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